Create the CSR & ESG strategy that links two Unesco sites in Venezuela (World Heritage) with the company's activities through a Foundation.
Develop and produce brand content that links Rums to their Venezuelan roots.
Launch two new Rum brands in the European market
Create the Business Plan for the development and sale of 3 new organic drinks
We created the strategy for the launch of two Venezuelan Rum brands in Europe. In particular, we have designed and produced the branded content that promotes Rums and links two Unesco sites in Venezuela (World Heritage Sites) with the company's CSR activities through a Foundation: Canaima and Yare.
The Foundation intends to collaborate with social tourism operators to spread the culture of sustainable tourism among the populations of Canaima and among tourists and thus prevent the spread of any activity harmful to its ecosystem, such as the illegal extraction of gold from Corsica of water.
The Foundation also aims to promote, through social tourism, the activities of the Diablos Danzantes of Yare in order to spread the positive message of their rituals not only throughout Venezuela but throughout the world. Indeed, the community of Yare has a special way of celebrating Corpus Domini, a Catholic feast which commemorates the presence of Christ in the Sacrament: groups of adults, young people and children dressed up as masked devils dance while an official of the Catholic Church brings the Blessed Sacrament Sacrament. Stringed and percussion instruments provide musical accompaniment, and worshipers wear maracas to ward off evil spirits.
World Funk Pictures also created the Business Plan for Alcoholes del Caribe to develop 3 organic alcoholic beverages and open sales channels in Europe, North America and Asia.
CSR & ESG Marketing
Growth Hacking
E-Commerce Solutions
Search Engine Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Native Adv
Video Production
Photo Shoots
Infographic Design
Blogging & Social Media
Web Development
Web Design
Smart Logistics