Create the contents of the "Vita da Gatto" campaign to raise awareness about the prevention of fleas and ticks in cats, aimed at encouraging cat owners to contact their veterinarians and to explain the benefits of the tablet treatment, still little known in Italy.
Manage a multi-channel campaign that included Google Search, Instagram, Facebook and Micro-Influencers.
World Funk Pictures has created an animated Edutainment Infographic inviting cat owners to go to their vet for a preventive checkup.
We then created the Landing Page which hosted the Infographic and scientific insights on the prevention of fleas and ticks in cats.
We subsequently generated traffic to the LP through Micro-Influencers, adv on the Google Display Network, Google Search and Facebook.
Finally, we created a Custom Dashboard that allowed us to optimize campaign results, analyzing the effectiveness of each traffic channel with respect to all engagement metrics (such as video viewing completion, time spent on LP, navigation on the site, reactions to the video, sharing on social networks).
Content Strategy
Brand Reputation
Search Engine Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Video Production
Landing Page Design
KPI Dashboard