Raise awareness among cat owners about the risks of feline hypertension and encourage cat owners to consult a veterinarian to have their cat's blood pressure measured.
Manage an Influencer Marketing campaign involving 20 cat owners and 4 veterinarians.
Cats can suffer from hypertension just like humans and the consequences for them can be very serious, such as losing their eyesight. Feline hypertension is a disease that initially shows no obvious signs; for this reason most cat owners do not notice it until the symptoms worsen.
CEVA Animal Health asked us to create an Influencer Marketing educational campaign that would reach cat owners to inform them of the disease and to encourage them to take their cat to the vet to have their blood pressure measured.
We involved 20 influencers who were cat owners and 4 veterinarians with a large following who, with their content, invited their followers to visit the amodeus.vet website where it was very well explained what feline hypertension is.
The results in terms of target engagement and activation were much higher than expected.
Content Strategy
Brand Reputation
Social Media Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Video Production
KPI Dashboard